In my last post about leveraging GitLab CI and Autopkg to build packages I mentioned that all packages falling out of the CI pipeline are first put into the testing catalog. I have used
and a Trello board to shift packages around from the testing environment into production in a mostly manual process. Since then I have been thinking about how to integrate the staging into that CI process.
It took me a bit but in the end I decided to use GitLab issues to handle the staging part as following:
- Whenever a new package version is merged into the master branch of the munki repository in GitLab, a new issue is created with a distinct label and due date.
- Periodically, some script runs that promotes packages in overdue issues.
In the following article I will be using the word repository
a lot. Actually we will be dealing with multiple repositories as following:
- Autopkg repository - Contains recipe overrides and build scripts, runs the package building CI pipeline
- Munki repository - The actual munki repository, runs CI Pipelines that merge new package branches into master and CI to deploy master branch on distribution infrastructure
- Build repository - The checked out munki repository on the package building Mac Mini, built packages land here first and are pushed onto the GitLab server
So while reading, make sure to set it into the right context.
Issue creation
Let’s revisit what happens after a new package is built:
When the merge request is created, we can be sure that the new package will actually be merged into the master branch of the munki repository so at that point we can safely create the issue through a little python script.
This is the script that creates the issue in GitLab:
$ cat
import gitlab
import os
import sys
import datetime
token = sys.argv[1]
gl = gitlab.Gitlab('https://gitlab', private_token=token)
project_id = os.environ.get('CI_PROJECT_ID')
source_br = os.environ.get('CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME')
autostage_due_date = ( + datetime.timedelta(days=3)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
project = gl.projects.get(project_id)
issue = project.issues.create({'title': source_br,
'description': 'autostage for production',
'due_date': autostage_due_date,
'labels': ['autostage']})
The script creates a new issue with the following characteristics:
- Issue title is
- Due date three days in the future
- Label
Later on, we will be using the title to find the pkginfo file. The due date is used to determine when to promote the package into production.
The script in its current form is a very simple approach. After a three days testing window, the packages are promoted into production. Future ideas include:
- Different staging windows through custom attributes in the pkginfo file
- Manual staging through different labels
- More staging tiers such as dev -> testing -> production
- Setting of a force install date based on labels
.gitlab-ci in the munki repository
The python script is added to the deploy step in .gitlab-ci
stage: deploy
- osx
- /usr/bin/python build/ $PRIVATE_TOKEN
- /usr/bin/python build/ $PRIVATE_TOKEN
- master
Promotion into production
At this point we have created issues for our newly built packages. As the CI pipeline in the autopkg repository is running on a nightly schedule, we are going to add the actual promotion step there.
This python script is added to the autopkg repository:
import os
import sys
import datetime
import subprocess
import FoundationPlist
import gitlab
token = sys.argv[1]
gl = gitlab.Gitlab('https://gitlab', private_token=token)
project_id = os.environ.get('MUNKI_PROJECT_ID')
build_repo_dir = os.environ.get('BUILD_REPO')
GIT = '/usr/bin/git'
autostage_due_date = + datetime.timedelta(days=3)
project = gl.projects.get(project_id)
issues = project.issues.list(state='opened')
class Error(Exception):
"""generic error"""
class GitError(Error):
"""git error"""
class FileError(Error):
"""file error"""
class BranchError(Error):
"""Branch-related exceptions."""
def run_cmd(cmd):
proc = subprocess.Popen(
(out, err) = proc.communicate()
results_dict = {
'stdout': out,
'stderr': err,
'status': proc.returncode,
'success': proc.returncode == 0
return results_dict
def git_run(arglist):
gitcmd = [GIT]
for arg in arglist:
old_pwd = os.getcwd()
results = run_cmd(gitcmd)
if not results['success']:
raise GitError("Git error: %s" % results['stderr'])
return results['stdout']
def change_feature_branch(branch, new=False):
gitcmd = ['checkout']
if new:
except GitError as e:
raise BranchError("Couldn't switch to '%s': %s" % (branch, e))
def create_commit(branchname, message):
print "Adding items..."
gitaddcmd = ['add']
print "Creating commit..."
gitcommitcmd = ['commit', '-m']
#git_output = git_run(gitcommitcmd)
def push_branch(branchname):
gitcmd = ['push', '--set-upstream', 'origin', branchname]
print "Pushed %s to origin" % branchname
except GitError as e:
raise BranchError("Couldn't push %s to origin: %s" % (branchname, e))
def pull_branch(branchname):
gitcmd = ['pull', 'origin', branchname]
print "Pushed %s to origin" % branchname
except GitError as e:
raise BranchError("Couldn't pull %s from origin: %s" % (branchname, e))
def getPlist(pkgname, repo_dir):
pkgsinfo_dir = repo_dir + '/pkgsinfo'
plist_filename = pkgname + '.plist'
for root, dirs, names in os.walk(pkgsinfo_dir):
if plist_filename in names:
return os.path.join(root, plist_filename)
raise FileError("Couldn't find plist for: %s" % plist_filename)
for issue in issues:
if >= datetime.datetime.strptime(issue.due_date, "%Y-%m-%d"):
plist_file = getPlist(issue.title, build_repo_dir)
plist = FoundationPlist.readPlist(plist_file)
FoundationPlist.writePlist(plist, plist_file)
issue.state_event = 'close'
commit_msg = "Autostaged " + issue.title + " into production"
create_commit('master', commit_msg)
print commit_msg
print "Not staging %s until %s" % (issue.title, issue.due_date)
This script is run during the autopkg GitLab CI pipeline and operates on the build repository on the package building box. Two variables need to be set in GitLab:
- MUNKI_PROJECT_ID - Set to the GitLab Project ID of the munki repo
- BUILD_REPO - Set to the path of the build repository on the package building box
Also, a GitLab API token is needed as a parameter.
Due to all the git handling code (mostly taken from Facebook’s autopkg tools script, thank you) this script is a bit lengthy. The main stuff happens in the for loop at the end of the script:
- Check if an issue’s due date is reached.
- Add production to the catalogs in the package’s pkginfo plist.
- Close the issue.
- Create the commit and push it onto GitLab (munki repo).
As we are pushing the changes onto the master branch in GitLab the following CI Pipeline is triggered:
CI configuration in the autopkg repository
The following is added to .gitlab-ci
in the autopkg repository:
stage: deploy
- osx
- (if [[ -z "$RECIPE_NAME" ]]; then build/ $PRIVATE_TOKEN; fi)
- triggers
- schedules
This makes sure autostaging is run whenever a package build is scheduled.
Wrapping it all up we have automated the whole package building process. Packages get automatically built every night, after three days they are automatically staged into the production catalog.
The whole workflow for building a single package now looks like this:
The next post might be about cleaning old packages from the munki repository.